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A simple logistic regression with MLflow and KServe

This example shows how FuseML can be used to automate and end-to-end machine learning workflow using a combination of different tools. In this case, we have a scikit-learn ML model that is being trained using MLflow and then served with KServe.

We assume that both FuseML infrastructure and the FuseML CLI are already installed, if not please check first the quick start section.

1. Install 3rd party ML tools

Running this example requires MLflow and KServe to be installed in the same cluster as FuseML.

The FuseML installer can be used for a quick MLflow and KServe installation:

fuseml-installer extensions --add mlflow,kserve

Run the following command to see the list of available commands regarding extensions, such as listing/removing installed extensions:

fuseml-installer extensions --help

Alternatively, you can follow the KServe official instructions and install KServe manually.

2. Set FUSEML_SERVER_URL environment variable

The fuseml-core URL was printed out by the installer during the FuseML installation. Alternatively, the following command can be used to retrieve the fuseml-core URL and set the FUSEML_SERVER_URL environment variable:

export FUSEML_SERVER_URL=http://$(kubectl get VirtualService -n fuseml-core fuseml-core -o jsonpath="{.spec.hosts[0]}")

3. Fetch the FuseML examples code

git clone --depth 1 -b release-0.3
cd examples

Under the codesets/mlflow directory, there are some example MLflow projects. For this tutorial we will be using the sklearn project.

4. Register the codeset

From now on, you start using fuseml command line tool. Register the example code as a FuseML versioned codeset artifact:

fuseml codeset register --name "mlflow-test" --project "mlflow-project-01" codesets/mlflow/sklearn

Example output:

> fuseml codeset register --name "mlflow-test" --project "mlflow-project-01" codesets/mlflow/sklearn
2021/09/08 12:27:40 Pushing the code to the git repository...
Codeset successfully registered
Saving new username into config file as current username.
Saving new password into config file as current password.
Setting mlflow-test as current codeset.
Setting mlflow-project-01 as current project.
FuseML configuration file created at /home/snica/.config/fuseml/config.yaml

You may optionally log into the Gitea UI using URL, username and password printed out by the codeset register command. You should find a new organization named mlflow-project-01 and a repository named mlflow-test.

5. Create a workflow

The example FuseML workflow included in the examples repository represents a complete, end-to-end ML pipeline "compatible" with any codeset that contains an MLProject. It includes all the steps necessary to train a model with MLflow, save the model and then creates a KServe prediction service for it.

Use the example workflow definition to create a workflow in FuseML:

fuseml workflow create workflows/mlflow-e2e.yaml

6. Assign the workflow to the codeset

fuseml workflow assign --name mlflow-e2e --codeset-name mlflow-test --codeset-project mlflow-project-01

7. Monitor the workflow from the command-line

Now that the Workflow is assigned to the Codeset, a new workflow run was created. To watch the workflow progress, check "workflow run" with:

fuseml workflow list-runs --name mlflow-e2e

Example output:

> fuseml workflow list-runs --name mlflow-e2e
| NAME                                       | WORKFLOW   | STARTED      | DURATION | STATUS  |
| fuseml-mlflow-project-01-mlflow-test-mlprp | mlflow-e2e | 1 minute ago | ---      | Running |

This command shows you detailed information about running workflow. You may also follow the Tekton URL value under the expanded output section to see relevant information about the underlying Tekton PipelineRun which implements the workflow run:

> fuseml workflow list-runs --name mlflow-e2e --format yaml
- name: fuseml-mlflow-project-01-mlflow-test-mlprp
  workflowref: mlflow-e2e
  - input:
      name: mlflow-codeset
      description: an MLFlow compatible codeset
      type: codeset
      default: null
      labels: []
  - input:
      name: predictor
      description: type of predictor engine
      type: string
      default: auto
      labels: []
    value: auto
  - output:
      name: prediction-url
      description: The URL where the exposed prediction service endpoint can be contacted to run predictions.
      type: string
    value: null
  starttime: 2021-06-07T18:16:00Z
  completiontime: null
  status: Running
  url: ""

Once the run succeeds, the status value changes to Succeeded in the CLI:

> fuseml workflow list-runs --name mlflow-e2e
| NAME                                       | WORKFLOW   | STARTED        | DURATION   | STATUS    |
| fuseml-mlflow-project-01-mlflow-test-mlprp | mlflow-e2e | 22 minutes ago | 22 minutes | Succeeded |

9. Test the deployed model

When the workflow run is complete, a new inference service is created and registered as a FuseML application. You can list the applications deployed by FuseML by running the following command:

fuseml application list

This should produce output similar to this one:

> fuseml application list
| NAME                                     | TYPE      | DESCRIPTION                                  | URL                                                                                                                                         | WORKFLOW   |
| mlflow-project-01-mlflow-test-mlflow-e2e | predictor | Application generated by mlflow-e2e workflow | | mlflow-e2e |

The application URL can be used to submit a request to the inference service. The examples repository includes a prediction data sample at prediction/data-sklearn.json:

cat prediction/data-sklearn.json
    "inputs": [
        "name": "input-0",
        "shape": [1, 11],
        "datatype": "FP32",
        "data": [
        [12.8, 0.029, 0.48, 0.98, 6.2, 29, 7.33, 1.2, 0.39, 90, 0.86]

Run the following commands to send a inference request to the deployed model:

export PREDICTOR_URL=$(fuseml application list --format json | jq -r ".[0].url")
curl -d @prediction/data-sklearn.json $PREDICTOR_URL | jq

The output will be something similar to:

  "model_name": "mlflow-project-01-mlflow-test",
  "model_version": null,
  "id": "44d5d037-052b-49b6-aace-1c5346a35004",
  "parameters": null,
  "outputs": [
      "name": "predict",
      "shape": [1],
      "datatype": "FP32",
      "parameters": null,
      "data": [6.486344809506676]

10. (Optional) Use the webapp example to test the deployed model

Rather than using curl to exercise the inference service, you may use a simple app we developed using streamlit.

First, deploy the application into your kubernetes cluster by running the following command:

kubectl apply -f webapps/winery/service.yaml

Run the following command to check the application deployment status:

kubectl get ksvc -n fuseml-workloads winery

At some point it should reach the READY status and a URL is provided to access the application. For example:

❯ kubectl get ksvc -n fuseml-workloads winery
NAME     URL                                                LATESTCREATED   LATESTREADY    READY   REASON
winery   winery-00001    winery-00001   True

Open the application URL and follow the instructions presented on the webpage to make your own predictions with the FuseML application you just deployed.